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What Derek's Goods Can Do for Your Amazon Business

Derek's Goods offers a range of services to help brands successfully sell their products in bulk on Amazon. From Amazon advertising management to inventory management, customer service, SEO/listing optimization, returns, and fulfillment, we handle all aspects of the Amazon selling process so you can focus on growing your business.

Our expertise in these areas, combined with additional services such as brand protection and new product development, makes us a one-stop shop for all your Amazon wholesale needs.

Read on to learn more about what we can do for your business.

Expert Inventory Management

At Derek's Goods, we understand that inventory management can be a challenging aspect of selling on Amazon. That's why we offer a comprehensive inventory management solution that takes the stress off your shoulders.

Our services include:

  • ➺ AI-assisted forecasting that compensates for seasonality and demand surges
  • ➺ Up-front inventory purchasing with no terms required, improving your cashflow
  • ➺ Prep and labeling at our warehouse, ensuring that your products meet Amazon's strict requirements
  • ➺ Hassle-free returns handling, so you never have to worry about dealing with returned inventory again

Expert Amazon Platform Management

Experts in all aspects of Amazon platform management, we can help you optimize your existing listings, create and launch new products on Amazon, and utilize Amazon Prime order fulfillment to provide fast and reliable delivery to your customers.

Here's what we offer:

  • ➺ Listing optimization to improve your product visibility and increase sales
  • ➺ New product creation and launch to expand your product line and reach new customers
  • ➺ Utilization of Amazon Prime order fulfillment, including Same-Day delivery options for eligible products
  • ➺ Hassle-free returns and replacements, covered by Derek's Goods out of our pocket

Expert Amazon Marketing Management

Advertising on Amazon can be a challenge, that's why we offer expert marketing management services designed to help you maximize the impact of your advertising campaigns.

Here's what we offer:

  • ➺ Creation, management, and optimization of advertising campaigns to drive traffic and sales to your products
  • ➺ Investment in advertising costs, providing "skin in the game" to incentivize better management
  • ➺ Management of Prime Day, Lightning, and other deals or coupons at your request
  • ➺ Market trend insights and new product development to help you stay ahead of your competitors

Ready to take your Amazon business to the next level?

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed on the world's largest online marketplace.

Let Derek's Goods handle the details of selling on Amazon, while you focus on growing your business and achieving your goals.